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Product Information
An oval toast rack in 18/10 mirror polished stainless steel, designed by Christopher Dresser in 1878. Similar examples of this can be seen in the Metropolitan Museum Art in New York. This is a contemporary copy of the original piece and has been used but is in good condition.
If you don't like toast.... it would also make a great letter rack.
Dimensions: height: 14 cm length : 11 cm x width 8.5 cm
This toast rack is a good example of the strikingly original metalwork designs of Christopher Dresser (1834-1904). Its rigorous, stark form pre dates the modernist designs that began to emerge after the First World War. Christopher Dresser is known as the first independent industrial designer; during his long career he worked for many manufacturers and was a prolific designer. In around 1878 he became art adviser to Hukin & Heath, a firm that manufactured silver and electroplated goods and specialised in silver and electroplated goods, including novelty items for the luxury market. A report in the Furniture Gazette dated 23rd August 1879 announced Dresser's arrival 'The Firm have secured the services of Dr. Dresser in order to be reliable in point of design.'
Please note this is a vintage piece and there is only one available, so once it is gone, it is gone!
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